THE LAST CRANKIE is not a play about someone having a bad day. Rather it’s a fun and funny romp (for 6 women) that imagines a post-apocalyptic society in which Creativity isn’t valued and the very act of “Imagining” is endangered.
In a dystopian future time, three teen-aged schoolgirls are on an unauthorized adventure. When they discover an old, distressed “Crankie”… a 21st century version of a 19th century storytelling vehicle… they find themselves magically transported into that story the Crankie displays and has to tell. This tale follows the efforts of NANA, her multi-generational family, and the “wanna-be” Guardian Angel who befriends her. Their stated objective: protecting NANA’s collection of Great Books from immanent destruction.
Along the way, the girls come to appreciate how these Great Books bridge and connect us to our past, and how it is vitally important to preserve their stories in print so they can always stay referenced and remembered.